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Reiki - Complete energy assessment

1.5 hour session for new clients

1 h 30 min
75 Canadian dollars
Video call

Service Description

A Reiki Complete Energy Assessment is a process used by Reiki practitioners to assess and understand the energy flow and balance within an individual's body. Reiki is a form of alternative healing that involves the transfer of energy through the practitioner's hands to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. During the Reiki Complete Energy Assessment, I will do the following Introduction and Intention Setting: I will first start by explaining the procedure and answering any questions you may have. We will then begin with setting an intention for the assessment. This intention may focus on identifying areas of energy blockages, imbalances, or areas that need healing. Scanning the Aura and Chakras: I will use my hands to scan your energy field (aura) and specific energy centers (chakras) in the body. Using Byosen scanning, I will be able to feel and sense any irregularities or imbalances in the energy flow. Sensing Energy Imbalances: I will also use my intuitive abilities to identify areas of dense or stagnant energy. I may feel heat, cold, tingling, or other sensations that could indicate energy imbalances. Noting Observations: Throughout the assessment, I will make notes of my observations, including areas of the body or chakras that require attention. Reiki Healing: Based on the assessment, I will proceed with a healing session tailored to address the identified imbalances. During the healing session, I will direct healing energy to the areas in need, promoting energy flow and balance. I also will tune in and open myself to receive any messages that may want to come through for you. Providing Feedback: After the session, I will share my findings with you, discussing any imbalances or blockages I identified. This can help you gain insights into your energetic state and areas that might need healing or attention. It's important to note that a Reiki Complete Energy Assessment is not a diagnostic tool for medical conditions. Instead, it focuses on understanding the individual's energy and helping them achieve balance and well-being on an energetic level. Reiki practitioners typically work in a holistic and complementary manner to support an individual's overall health and self-healing abilities.

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