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Reiki - Animal

15 minute service for your furry friend

15 min
20 Canadian dollars
Video call

Service Description

This service is for any animal that you feel may need help. We will start with a video call discussing the animal and their needs. I will need to see the animal on video to be able to receive its energies. After the discussion, I will send Reiki, distantly. The animal does not need to stay on the video call if it is unable. Following the treatment, we will have a moment of discussion. If the animal is not able to be on the video call, a pre recorded few seconds clip of the animal or a picture can suffice. Reiki can be used on animals who have been in car accidents, diagnosed with terminal illness, suffering from anxiety and much more. It can also be used on healthy animals to have them feeling their best at all times. For more information, see our blog Reiki for animals and distance Reiki

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