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The five principles of Reiki

These are the fundamental principles of Reiki. They are phrased as "just for today" in order to ease the pressure of immediate change and allow for our human nature to lapse at times. The key is to live in the present, taking it one day at a time.

Just for today, do not worry. Worry is based on something that has not yet happened and may never happen. Why waste today, the present, worrying about something that might never occur? If it does happen, we tire ourselves living in that stressful future moment. If it doesn't, which is more likely, we waste precious nows worrying about the future. Cultivate peace, and let go of worry.

Just for today, do not be angry. Anger, a low-vibration emotion, often stems from fear – fear of being wrong, losing control, or having been wronged. Instead, just for today, let go of anger.

Honor your livelihood with honesty. Are you sharing your gifts with the world, or are you hoarding your knowledge? Are you squandering your time on things that don't enrich your life or even engaging in small acts of dishonesty? Each of these choices contributes to the overall energy in your life. Earn your living honestly.

Express gratitude to every living thing. All life is energy and holds value. Be thankful for your fellow humans, animals, and plants. Show gratitude to Mother Earth for her abundant blessings. The more you find to be grateful for, the more reasons for gratitude will appear in your life. Show appreciation for all living things.

This is the essence of Reiki. Reiki is love. Mastery of Reiki is to understand that we are all one, connected in the beautiful web of the energy of our souls. Mastery of Reiki is to understand that it all matters, we all matter and our actions create the world we live in near and far.


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